Destination 2023

The process of institutional renaissance starts with asking two basic questions about our identity—who are we and what do we aim to accomplish? Inevitably, these questions lead to complex and ongoing conversations around our history, institutional strengths, community assets, and economic demands.

We are building a strategic roadmap, with a focus on excellence, which reaffirms the future of LeMoyne-Owen College for generations to come. We believe excellence will result from strategic, institutionally beneficial goals also being innovative, intentional, and sustainable. LeMoyne-Owen is poised for growth, success, and economic impact; and now, more than ever, we are prepared to embrace our future.

Roadmap to Renaissance

Institutional Focus

LeMoyne-Owen College is pursuing excellence across seven areas:
  • Recruiting and retaining faculty to develop and grow strong academic programs
  • Maximizing enrollment while balancing career preparation with maintaining the benefits of a small liberal arts college
  • Retaining first-year, first-time students from the fall of their first year to the fall of their second year
  • Maximizing graduation rates
  • Ensuring the best post-graduation placements for our students in graduate school or careers
  • Growing our endowment by building a vibrant culture of gratitude and giving among our students and alumni and by engaging a wider audience in our mission by communicating our value to the Greater Memphis region
  • Ensure policies align with institutional outcomes to increase the effectiveness of systems, structures, and processes to facilitate team communication and execution